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A Shipwreck — Why Now?
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A Shipwreck

Apparently Ntodd is getting into the role of college professor as he posted a “compare and contrast” assignment for the second inaugural addresses of the first versus the latest Republican President.

The similarities are really shallow: second inaugural, time of military conflict, political party named Republican. Not much there.

The Bush speech was filled with jarring inconsistencies like: “After the shipwreck of communism came years of relative quiet, years of repose, years of sabbatical – and then there came a day of fire.”

Having lived through that period, 1989 to 2001, I sort of remember a major war with Iraq after the invasion of Kuwait, the Rwandan genocide, the Yugoslavian civil wars, Tiananmen Square, etc. and I believe that China, Cuba, Vietnam, and North Korea are definitely communist governments. Frankly the world was relatively quieter during the Cold War after Vietnam until the dissolution of the Soviet Union, than since.

Whoever wrote this seems to have forgotten that the majority of foreign terrorists were tied up with the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan, the US was pretty much left alone except when we ventured into their territory.

Of course, they don’t have to worry, it’s not as if anyone checks their claims against the facts.