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SpongeDob Stickypants Rides Again — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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SpongeDob Stickypants Rides Again

Noted poodle aficionado, James Wolcott, is having way too much fun worrying his favorite sockpuppet, SpongeDob Stickypants1. Mr. Wolcott reviews the recommendations that constitute “what real Americans should be watching”, like GoodLife TV, and finds a disturbing trend.

Who knew? I mean, I always thought cowboys needed flexible wrists to throw lariats and make fast draws. I didn’t really notice that most of them displayed more interest in their horses than women until Mr. Wolcott pointed it out.

Mustang2 Bobby helps out by pointing to a New York Times editorial wondering about Dr. Stickypants obsession.

1 – If Dr. Dobson should drop by my humble corner: one picture of you on your page would more than suffice and massage therapy could help with your neck. Oh, there’s this wonderful part of speech called the pronoun. It would relieve you of retyping your complete name and title so many times. Oh, yes, why don’t you try getting a life. You could start by watching more age-appropriate television. Frankly, your obsession with small children and discipline might be misinterpreted.

2 – The car, not the critter.