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Buying Pundits — Why Now?
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Buying Pundits

So now it’s columnist Maggie Gallagher who got paid by the government, just like Armstrong Williams before her. OK, so this is just another brick in the wall between truth and the people being built by the Busheviks and their toadies. Nothing really new, except: is Gallagher going to sue over receiving less then 10% of the payoff made to Williams?

Gallagher claims significant expertise in her field, marriage, when compared to Williams and education, so the disparity is beginning to look a lot like it’s based on the sex of the commentator. If the reporting is to be believed Ms. Gallagher had to create the policy, teach the bureaucrats what it meant, and then to shill for it has a columnist. Williams was only required to be a shill.

I think Ms. Gallagher should push for legislation requiring equal opportunity bribes, or at least sue for the $200K she was shorted.

Today Dubya said the executive branch really should stop bribing pundits, and promised to tell his cabinet officers not to do it.

Update: Tresy at Corrente adds a name to the Paid Pundit roster.