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A Public Service — Why Now?
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A Public Service

In appealing to minority voters in pursuit of support for his “piratization” of Social Security Insurance, Bush stated that if you die before you retire, the system keeps all the money you put into the system, while under the “directed gambling” his cabal wishes to impose, you can leave the “over-billing for management fees” to your family.

I would suggest a visit to the Social Security Administration’s website to pick up a copy of Survivors Benefits: SSA Publication No. 05-10084, May 2004, which explains the payments made to the family of those enrolled in the Social Security Insurance system upon the death of the enrollee.

Social Security is not just a retirement system, something the Busheviks seem to ignore.

If you think you like the Bush plan, you might try a Google search on “Eliot Spitzer”, the Attorney General of the state of New York, who has been assisting the state in covering its budget shortfall by winning large fines from the people that Bush wants you to trust with your money. Mutual funds, insurance companies, brokerages, investment bankers have all found themselves funding the state with their fines.

There is a reason that all investment materials carry some form of this warning:

The price of shares and investments and the income derived from them can go down as well as up, and investors may not get back the amount they invested. Past performance cannot be relied upon as a guide to future performance.

Are you feeling lucky?