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Wretched Excess — Why Now?
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Wretched Excess

Mustang Bobby at Bark Bark Woof Woof mentioned this attempt by confirmed millionaire wackos…ehrrr… adventurers Steve Fossett & Richard Branson to set another record: non-stop solo flight around the world.

They do have the good sense to have Burt Rutan build the aircraft. Rutan’s Voyager, the first aircraft to fly around the world without refueling, and Spaceship 1, winner of the X Prize are part of The National Air and Space Museum collection.

You can follow the flight from Salina, Kansas and back at this site.

Update 03/02/05 1600CST: There’s a problem. 2600 pounds of fuel is “missing”. The mission is on to Hawaii, but no one is sure beyond that point.