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Taking Credit — Why Now?
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Taking Credit

There is no doubt that the Bush administration will take credit for anything positive that occurs the Middle East and accept no blame for anything bad that happens.

This claim of spreading democracy in the region, usually by pointing to the Iraqi elections, would be a good deal more believable if a few of America’s allies in the region would hold some free and open elections after releasing the local media from its state-run status.

If Pakistan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, etc. would show a little willingness to improve their standing on the State Department’s list of human rights abusers, and allow a little democracy for their citizens, I might think we were having a positive effect. If a few of them would advance from the 13th to even the 18th century, I might see something positive coming from this total disaster.

Personally, think the one individual who has the most profound effect on the possibility of some democratization of the Middle East was Yasser Arafat. His death resulted in a generally democratic election taking place in occupied Palestine. Now if Sharon would do the world a favor and die, we might see some peace in the area, as long as he isn’t assassinated.