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Legislature Seeks To Extend Purgatory — Why Now?
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Legislature Seeks To Extend Purgatory

The Florida legislature is back in session and in addition to planning tax cuts for the wealthy investor class and doing what they can to eliminate the rights of citizen initiatives, they are taking another step towards appeasing Randall Terry’s Inquisition.

This time they are trying to change rules on removing feeding tubes. CNN covers it in this story on the Schiavo case. The changes will prevent the removal of feeding tubes unless someone explicitly states in their living will that such action be taken.

They say that food and water are a basic human right, but they make no attempt to fund this requirement. Terri Schiavo, if feeding is continued, will probably die as result of complications from bedsores and be in pain, if she can sense pain, because no physician will prescribe analgesics in this case, for fear of being accused of euthanasia.