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RIP George F. Kennan — Why Now?
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RIP George F. Kennan

1904 – March 17, 2005

The “Father of Containment”, the US policy that is usually referred to as the “Cold War”. Many will complain about the effects of the policy, and there were many excesses in it’s name, but they forget how many people wanted “World War III” to resolve the “Red Menace”.

Overall the policy was successful, but some people, like Ronald Reagan, implemented it badly. Kennan was more about a network of alliances, the UN, NATO, SEATO, than a 600 ship Navy.

Melanie at Just a Bump in the Beltway has a good post, Requiem for a Fighter that includes a Washington Post article on Mr. Kennan.

Update: Glen at A Brooklyn Bridge as a post, George Kennan Dead, that includes an interview with Mr. Kennan in The Hill prior to the start of the Iraq War. Worth the read to understand Mr. Kennan’s view on the use of force.

Update2: djhlights at Exit Stage Left Today’s history lesson from 04/12/03 and Eric Alterman Altercation Slacker Friday “Quote of the Day” both comment on “X”.