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Constitution? — Why Now?
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“We don’t need no stinking Constitution.”

Via Pissed Off Patricia [a fellow Florida hurricane survivor] at Blonde Sense you will find C-SPAN video of the House debate on the Schiavo Bill of Attainder at Crooks & Liars.

If you watch the video of Rep. Ginny Brown-Waite [R-FL] you will get a different feel for the Schindlers and their side of the Schiavo passion play.

Oh, regarding Mrs. Schiavo’s lack of “her day in court”: she has had two three different Guardians ad Litem appointed by the Florida courts to represent her interests, and her interests alone.

The University of Miami has a timeline and links to documents and reporting on the case.

If you want to know why Mr. Schiavo won’t surrender his wife to the kind ministrations of her family, read the report of Prof. Jay Wolfson, the second third guardian ad litem, and his interviews with the Schindler family of December 1, 2003. [Warning PDF] That is the source of Mr. Schiavo’s odd remarks about “amputations”. The quick point is that the family say they would be opposing the removal of the feeding tube even if Mrs. Schaivo had left a written living will.

Bad news for all of those who want Judge George Greer removed from office. Even though he faced an opponent who concentrated on the Schiavo case in the election, Judge Greer was re-elected in 2004 by an overwhelming margin. Yes, in the state of Florida these decisions are made by elected officials answerable to the voters.

Update: Professor Wolfson was, in fact, the third guardian in this case.

Just in from my local NPR station, WUWF: the Republican government of the state of Alabama has provided no money for the state’s “Department of Homeland Security” in the budget they just passed. Do they know something that we don’t know about the “terrorist threat”?