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No One Expected The Spanish Inquisition — Why Now?
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No One Expected The Spanish Inquisition

This is a tough post to write, I keep laughing as I think about it. John Ellis Bush, governor of the state of Florida, says he is going help someone by having the Florida Department of Families and Children intervene! [spontaneous fits of laughter caused by the evil, black humor that runs under the surface of vets and ex-cops]

I thought he liked the woman. I would be a little reluctant to turn Dubya over to Florida’s DCF. People disappear when they are under the protection of DCF, as in Rilya Wilson.

DCF has to have set some kind of new record with the cost and time overruns on its wonderful new computer system: HomeSafenet. What a great system. If you were a client named “John Smith” you either got no benefits or the benefits for everyone named “John Smith” in the entire state.

Hundreds of millions of dollars later, they connected it to their wonderful CoBRIS network which gave access to all of the private contractors who work with DCF, as well as everyone else on the Internet. No worries about identity theft, the clients are poor.

Of course, to run this marvelous system ol’ Jeb went out and found great people for the DCF leadership. Who wouldn’t want someone like Jerry Reiger, a founder and former president of the Family Research Council to provide a little responsibility for the indigent.

Billmon has his view at the Whiskey Bar.