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King of Horror — Why Now?
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King of Horror

A lot of people would say that Stephen King is America’s king of horror for the novels he writes. They would be wrong, because Steve King is a lot scarier: he writes laws.

On the Saturday edition of All Things Considered, March 26, 2005, Debbie Elliott interviews Representative Steve King [R-Iowa] in a segment called: “Congressional Republicans Target ‘Activist’ Judiciary”.

In spite of his lack of any particular credentials, Mr. King sits on the House Judiciary Committee and he discussed various options for making “un-elected judges accountable”. Among the ideas were eliminating all of the courts except the Constitutionally mandated Supreme Court, not funding the Federal courts, adjustments like that.

Go and listen to the man, it starts at about 1:15 into the segment. I don’t guess he’s heard or seen the polls about what American voters think about Congressional action.