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Funda”mental” Disconnects — Why Now?
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Funda”mental” Disconnects

CBS News reports on the idiots who have decided to be vigilantes on the Arizona-Mexico border.

These people don’t have the first clue as to what they are getting themselves into moving along the 370-mile border. They may have the camo clothing, but it is the wrong version for the most part [forest pattern] and just makes them more obvious. They have guns, which doesn’t mean they know how or when to use them. They have vehicles, but probably haven’t made the modifications necessary for use in the desert. They have communications, but they haven’t been tested under the conditions in which they are going to be used.

I see a lot of amateurs wandering out into an environment that can and does kill people every year, without the training to survive. They are going to meet drug smugglers, people smugglers, annoyed locals, and assorted other people who do not want them there. Many of these people have no moral problem with killing the outsiders and leaving the bodies for the buzzards.

Steve Gilliard quotes a certain professor of law, on why, for the Republicans, the Woodside Hospice was a “bridge too far”.

The election in 2006 will be the best indicator of how much damage has been done to the GOP, but the professor isn’t happy about the actions of people he helped get elected.

On the other side, people need to store up these golden moments and bring them out in the Fall of 2006 to remind voters what’s at stake. The Republican primaries may be the most fun you can have without buying a ticket. It is possible that several incumbents will face challenges in their primaries.

Back to CBS for a thought provoking report: Medicaid Could Cost You Your IRA.

“The truth is out there”, and it tells us that the crisis is medical care in the United States. You can’t afford to get sick in this country, no matter how well you have planned your life.

All of the safe-guards that once were in place to help people with disasters have been dismantled. The state has the power to strip you of everything you own before they’ll consider helping you, and then you have to sweat out every legislative session to find out if your state will continue to support the medical care your family needs.