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2005 June — Why Now?
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Posts from — June 2005

Blogger Fix

The Blogger Buzz has a solution for those who woke up to unintended changes in their formatting.

I tried it and it corrects the minor problem I had.

June 30, 2005   Comments Off on Blogger Fix

If You Have Time

The CinC [Clown in Chief] attempted to make people forget that al Qaeda is in Iraq due to George W. Bush, not Saddam Hussein. ABC has the Text of Speech if you can’t be satisfied with “9/11, 9/11, 9/11, …” Those who stayed awake indicate that the 82nd Airborne was not as enthusiastic as Dubya might have hoped or ordered. Multiple deployments do that to you.

When are these people going to find a decent speechwriter? If the man is going to lie to me, I would certainly appreciate a well-written lie. I know the delivery will be bungled, but it should at least read well.

Both Len and Scorpio noticed this effort to hoist Justice Souter on his own “eminent domain” petard by a libertarian in New Hampshire, who has requested that the Justice’s home town take his house as the location for a new hotel.

Len has also been busy on the religious front with Interesting signs of the coming persecution? and A Luther for our times?.

I’m beginning to understand why my ancestors ditched Europe in the 17th century to come to the “New World”: these religious wars are a real pain even if you don’t have a dog in the fight.

What is going on in North Carolina?

Rep. Walter Jones [R-NC] and Rep. Howard Coble [R-NC] have stopped drinking the Kool-Ade, and Rachel Lea Hunter, a candidate for the North Carolina Supreme Court, has dumped the “R” after her name.

If Dubya and Karl can’t convince politicians in the Carolinas to back them, they are in a major meltdown. Jones is the man who had the name changed to “Freedom Fries” in the House dining room.

June 29, 2005   Comments Off on If You Have Time

Blogger Update

If you have come to your senses and use Firefox, the “patch” that Blogger provided doesn’t work. Firefox adheres strictly to standards while IE is extremely loose in its interpretation of tags.

The latest problem occurred as a result of changes made to accommodate the new graphics features and has more of an impact on older templates, i.e. it is not backwards compatible.

Those who insert their own html tags are less affected than those who insert tags using the Blogger editor.

Jack at Grumpy Forester solved his problem by shifting to a new template, but be sure to save a copy of your old template if you decide to try it.

June 28, 2005   Comments Off on Blogger Update

Media Bias

Sure, everyone has heard of the second shark attack along the coast of the Florida Panhandle, but how many noticed that a Grizzly Kills 2 Alaska Campers. Only CBS carried the story and the second shark attack was “above the fold”.

The campers had bear-proof food containers and a firearm, but the bear struck while they were sleeping in their tent. The media doesn’t want to annoy the stuffed bear lobby, so they bury the story, but sharks take the heat.

June 28, 2005   Comments Off on Media Bias

Blogger Layout Problems

I had sent an e-mail to Blogger about unexpected layout changes at several sites and they have apparently noticed.

They have posted a work-around for one of the problems, but are still working on it.

Blogger is a complex system and any change will have unintended consequences.

June 28, 2005   Comments Off on Blogger Layout Problems

Lawyer Dagget, RIP

Mustang Bobby reports on The Curse of the Hundred-Acre Wood, announcing the death of John Fiedler, the voice of “Piglet” in the Pooh cartoons yesterday, just after the death of Paul Winchell, the voice of “Tigger”.

I remember Mr. Fiedler as one of The Twelve Angry Men, the Lawyer Dagget of the end of True Grit, one of Oscar’s friends in the Odd Couple, and on many TV shows. He was one of the more recognizable of character actors.

June 28, 2005   Comments Off on Lawyer Dagget, RIP

Sorry, Rugo

Okay, cue the music.

This time it was Cape San Blas about 100 miles East near Panama City in Gulf County.

It was just before Noon again and about 60 yards off shore in waist deep water. A teenager and his brother were fishing in the surf and he was bitten while reeling in a fish. He survived but has lost a leg.

The waters of the Gulf of Mexico are warm, and getting warmer earlier thanks to the non-existent “global warming” that is thawing Alaska and generating rather busy hurricanes seasons. Sharks are fond of warm water.

Sharks are attracted to blood in the water and the vibration caused by injured fish. If you hook a fish there is apt to be blood in the water, and the fish will probably generate the wounded fish vibrations. Doing this while standing up to your waist in water is not a world-class concept.

Another little wrinkle locally are the “shark cruises”, where boat owners load up on chopped up fish called chum, and then cruise a ways off-shore and begin dumping it into the water to attract sharks to provide “guests” with a close up “feeding frenzy”.

You are a good deal more likely to be killed or injured by lightning on a golf course than to be attacked by a shark, but the potential is there.

June 28, 2005   Comments Off on Sorry, Rugo


Annie Zook calls her blog Peevish for a reason, but she took a break for a Friday Joke.

It is worth a read as punctuation to the week.

1. That Was The Week That Was

June 26, 2005   Comments Off on TW3¹

The Truth Will Make You Free

In spite of the best efforts of Rove and the MSM, people are starting to figure it out.

James Wolcott covers a lot of things in A-Roving We Will Go, but the last paragraph points to a 23 June, 2005 poll by Rasmussen Reports.

The question was: “Who was more responsible for starting the War in Iraq…Saddam Hussein or President Bush?” It was asked of 1000 people.

“June 23, 2005–Forty-nine percent (49%) of Americans say that President Bush is more responsible for starting the War with Iraq than Saddam Hussein. A Rasmussen Reports survey found that 44% take the opposite view and believe Hussein shoulders most of the responsibility.”

Like JW and Atrios, I don’t remember anyone ever making this particular point. It almost makes Saddam a victim. I strongly feel that the Iraqi people are victims in this war, but I have never even considered Saddam as anything other than a convenient thug used by Reagan and the neocons to oppose Iran, a view I’ve held for over a quarter century. His status under Reagan was the first indication I had for how crazy the younger Pipes and Mylroie were: they backed Saddam, before they demonized him.

June 25, 2005   Comments Off on The Truth Will Make You Free

Not All Publicity Is Good

Given that this is above the fold on just about every news site, including Australian Broadcasting, and it is a local story, I guess I should say something.

Rule Number One when swimming in the Gulf of Mexico: Do Not, Under Any Circumstances, Swim With Bait Fish. If you notice a lot of 6 to 12 inch fish in the water around you, get out of the water. The reason there are a lot of fish swimming by is that something is chasing them.

CNN Reports: a 14-year-girl died as a result having her leg bitten off by a shark estimated to be about 11 feet long. The incident occurred approximately a quarter mile off the shore of a beach near the Sandestin Resort in South Walton County in the late morning. This is about 15 miles East of me.

Bull sharks 10 feet long and larger are often in the area and if they find a school of bait fish they start biting. They aren’t consciously attacking swimmers, they are simply moving through the water biting whatever enters their mouth. A bull shark eats everything: fish, dolphins, turtles, surfers, tourists; if it’s in the water, it’s what’s for dinner.

There are also hammerheads in the area that can get that big, but the bull sharks are the most common biters in this area. They don’t cruise on the surface, but along the bottom and will enter bayous, even fresh water rivers.

June 25, 2005   Comments Off on Not All Publicity Is Good

If You Have Some Time

MIT is looking for bloggers to take a survey. If you have the time, go help out some poor grad student get his degree.

Take the MIT Weblog Survey

[Update: I got this either from Elayne’s Journal or Len at Dark Bilious Vapors.]

June 25, 2005   Comments Off on If You Have Some Time

Congratulations, Et Cetera

Jo Fish at Democratic Veteran will have been a member of blogtopia¹ for three years this coming week.

skippy the bush kangaroo is still pushing for a million hits on his third blogiversity².

Jillian of The Snarky Cat has been down with connection problems is now back on line.

Keith at The Invisible Library is wondering if people noticed that he has moved to http://www.sanchezkisser.com/Ilblog/ from Blogspot.

Tbogg is having problems with his formatting, and after he wrote it, I’ve noticed small changes in mine, that I certainly didn’t make. I hope that Blogger isn’t about to go through another round of “improvements”.

1. yes, skippy coined that term.
2. Jeralyn of TalkLeft gets credit for this one.

June 25, 2005   Comments Off on Congratulations, Et Cetera

Another Bush Diplomatic Victory?

Since Karl likes conservatives, so he should be thrilled with this: Iran elects hardline new leader.

“The ultra-conservative mayor of Tehran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has won Iran’s presidential election run-off, the interior ministry has confirmed.”

The complaints from Washington that helped to get this man elected continue.

June 25, 2005   Comments Off on Another Bush Diplomatic Victory?

Eine Kleine History Review

Jo Fish at Democratic Veteran pointed me towards One Pissed Off Veteran whose post, Twins in Uniform points to the military service of the children of Presidents.

For those who don’t know, while Teddy Roosevelt was a Republican, he was definitely a progressive/liberal.

I covered the fallacy of Rove’s military versus law enforcement claims on December 6, 2004 in Liberals & Terrorism.

Andante, who has been really blogging at 110% lately, has another great read in Rove is Right.

Remember the problems of the Al Qaqaa ordnance depot being looted after being left unguarded? We are now seeing the result of that mistake in this Boston Globe report: 2 U.S. Marines Killed, 4 Servicemembers Missing After Bombing. Until they find enough of their bodies to make an identification, those four people are carried as missing in action. Their vehicle was hit by a shaped charge, the proverbial “hot knife through butter”, and the explosives involved are those stored in the Al Qaqaa depot.

Remember when Rumsfeld talked about tanks not being safe from all weapons, well now the “insurgents” have weapons that can destroy tanks.

I think the troops might think that the Bush administration’s support is a bit lacking when they find out that his Veterans Affairs faces $1 billion shortfall. What are they doing with the money?

As for what conservatives believe, Len Cleavelin of Dark Bilious Vapors has found Excellent analysis, from a thoughtful, reasonable conservative….

[Update: This is just weird – from skippy: eine kleine nitwit muzik.]

June 25, 2005   Comments Off on Eine Kleine History Review