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Florida’s Not So Wild Life — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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Florida’s Not So Wild Life

One of the major problems for the environment in the state of Florida is the number of invasive species that get introduced by idiots who think something “would look cute”.

We have plants that don’t belong crowding out the native species, insects that don’t belong eating everything in sight, and animals that don’t belong wandering free.

I fought a battle with Muscovy ducks a couple of years ago that showed the basic weakness in the state and Federal system.

The ducks were breeding like crazy and “eliminating” on everything in sight. I called Animal Control and was told they were “migratory waterfowl” and the problem of the Federal Fish and Wildlife Commission. The Feds said that the ducks were imported [Brazil] domesticated animals and not their problem. Animal Control bounced back with the claim that since they had been determined to be domesticated animals and on my property, I probably needed licenses for them.

In the end, I located and destroyed nests wherever I could find them and trapped adults and gave them to a sanctuary after the local Oriental restaurant refused to put them on the menu. [I can’t serve those ducks. Those ducks are dirty. Those ducks eat cat food. No one will pay for a duck that eats cat food.]

So I appreciate the dilemma of these people: Peacocks Swarm Couple’s Florida Home. No one will help them, even though the birds don’t belong in Florida.

Deport the birds! It’s not like they came from Cuba and vote Republican. Let’s close our borders to these aliens.[/rant]