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What Hath Rumsfeld Wrought? — Why Now?
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What Hath Rumsfeld Wrought?

James Wolcott via One-Man Wrecking Crew points to Wreck It and Run by William S. Lind.

Lind notices the similarity between corporate raiders who take over a company, loot its assets, and then leave as it collapses with what Rumsfeld is doing at the Pentagon.

Enlistments are well down, damaged equipment is not being repaired, and needed equipment is not being purchased. Rumsfeld is pursuing his vision of a “new, more cost efficient military” and couldn’t be bothered with reality. Remember: Rumsfeld didn’t even bother to interrupt his meeting when an airliner slammed into the Pentagon on 9/11/01. If it isn’t part of his plan it doesn’t exist.