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Police Pinch Pistol Packing Potter Pilferers — Why Now?
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Police Pinch Pistol Packing Potter Pilferers

Two arrested in connection to ‘Half-Blood Prince’ theft

“Two books were recovered and they are currently being held in secure circumstances as evidence,” said a spokesman.

Police said later that the two men arrested had both been charged with weapons offences and with handling the stolen books, though they did not confirm Sun reports that shots were fired.

The books are in the evidence room, not the reading room, and no one will be reading them…well, of course, someone will have to examine the books to ensure they really are copies of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. I mean, if the books aren’t real, that would change the crime, right? So, the police are going to have to have an “expert” in to review the books…or maybe a couple of “experts”.