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Don’t Throw Me Into That Briar Patch — Why Now?
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Don’t Throw Me Into That Briar Patch

Peter of Lone Tree on Blonde Sense noted with concern a move by some Republicans to repeal the 22nd Amendment so Dubya can run again.

If the amendment was repealed, Bush could indeed run for a third term, but so could Bill Clinton. Anyone betting on George W. Bush winning against the last President to balance the budget is waiting to get fleeced. George might find a definite absence of funding when going against the “Big Dog”.

The 22nd Amendment was passed by Republicans to prevent another Democratic President from wiping up the floor with them, like FDR did. Bill Clinton was extremely popular with the “mythical center”, and the NASCAR Dads know that a beer with Bill would be a hell of a lot more fun than anything George might do.

Based on reports, I not sure that Dubya’s daddy would vote for him rather than Bill.