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Flag Day — Why Now?
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Flag Day

US Flag

Adopted as the flag of the United States of America by the Flag Resolution of 1777 enacted on 14 June, 1777.

An official flag has a rise to run ratio of 1 to 1.9 [the flag should be 1.9 times as long as it is high] with the canton [the dark blue part] that rises over the top seven stripes with a run of 40% of the flag’s run.

The only time you will see a “correct” US Flag is if you see the official colors of a military unit. Most flags are 3’X5′ or 4’X6′ instead of 3’X5.7′ or 4’X7.6′.

[Edit: There is supposed to be a flag up there, but, for some reason, my ISP can’t handle the File Transfer Protocol at the moment. It may be related to the changes made when I installed the wireless router. I’m awaiting a response from India.]