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Telling It Like It Is — Why Now?
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Telling It Like It Is

My local NPR station, WUWF has a local show on Saturday night, The Blue Plate Special which hosted by Greg Guzman. He is actually the radio station’s Director of Corporate Marketing, and as you would expect for someone in a position like that, he is a registered Republican.

In addition to playing blues artists, Greg features local musicians and sports. It’s a little disconcerting to switch from Clarence “Gatemouth” Brown to the Pensacola Ice Pilots hockey team or the Pelicans baseball team, but it may be the price paid to get his two-hour show.

Lately he has been breaking into rants during his show. First he expressed his opinion on the direction of the FCC and its effect on radio broadcasting. He was unhappy. After a couple of weeks he brought up his opinion of the actions of the board of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and their introduction of politics into the sphere of NPR stations. Of course, the entire station went into crisis mode following the Congressional funding cut attempts.

Tonight he was responding to someone complaining about NPR reporting being biased. Greg stated his party affiliation and pointed out that the Republican Party has the White House and the US Congress, the Florida governor and legislature are also Republican, so get a grip, if the news is negative, it is going be negative about Republicans. If people want to elect some more Democrats, and give them control of something, then the news can be negative about them.

I figure he’ll be a Democrat any time now after he realizes how futile it is to attempt to use logic on his fellow Republicans.