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So Wrong — Why Now?
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So Wrong

High court OKs personal property seizures.

These are not run down slum buildings being removed for low-cost housing, or a road, or a school; these are peoples’ well kept homes being taken so a private developer can built his project on their land.

This is the eminent domain taking of private property by Community Redevelopment Agencies to increase property tax revenues or provide new jobs except: there are no guarantees that the projects will ever be built, that what that gets built will actually increase property tax revenues, that any extra jobs will be created. What is guaranteed is that the property owners are being pushed out of their homes or businesses.

I have a history question for the Supremes who voted for this: how, exactly is this different from what Andy Jackson did to the Cherokee over your Court’s objection? If it was wrong for Jackson to steal land from the Cherokee, how can it be right for a city to take these peoples’ homes? Haven’t you just negated the value of real estate law in the US, I mean why bother to file a deed if elected officials can decide to take your property?

It is decisions like this that helped to create Timothy McVee, Ted Kaczynski, et alia. The militias will be pushing this as an example of various conspiracies. The people faced with being ejected now know there’s nothing the courts will do for them, that the majority has been given the right to oppress the minority.

Are they so isolated from reality that they don’t understand that this can lead to violence? They can talk all they want about “representative government”, but everyone knows that most local governments belong to the people with money, and it isn’t going to make much difference to the people who have lost their homes when some official goes to jail later for corruption.

Added Extra: Roger Ailes [the good one] fires up the “wayback machine” to remind us that Bush used eminent domain to “steal” a baseball stadium and make a fortune.