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If You Have Time — Why Now?
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If You Have Time

The CinC [Clown in Chief] attempted to make people forget that al Qaeda is in Iraq due to George W. Bush, not Saddam Hussein. ABC has the Text of Speech if you can’t be satisfied with “9/11, 9/11, 9/11, …” Those who stayed awake indicate that the 82nd Airborne was not as enthusiastic as Dubya might have hoped or ordered. Multiple deployments do that to you.

When are these people going to find a decent speechwriter? If the man is going to lie to me, I would certainly appreciate a well-written lie. I know the delivery will be bungled, but it should at least read well.

Both Len and Scorpio noticed this effort to hoist Justice Souter on his own “eminent domain” petard by a libertarian in New Hampshire, who has requested that the Justice’s home town take his house as the location for a new hotel.

Len has also been busy on the religious front with Interesting signs of the coming persecution? and A Luther for our times?.

I’m beginning to understand why my ancestors ditched Europe in the 17th century to come to the “New World”: these religious wars are a real pain even if you don’t have a dog in the fight.

What is going on in North Carolina?

Rep. Walter Jones [R-NC] and Rep. Howard Coble [R-NC] have stopped drinking the Kool-Ade, and Rachel Lea Hunter, a candidate for the North Carolina Supreme Court, has dumped the “R” after her name.

If Dubya and Karl can’t convince politicians in the Carolinas to back them, they are in a major meltdown. Jones is the man who had the name changed to “Freedom Fries” in the House dining room.