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Damn Straight — Why Now?
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Damn Straight

Melanie at Just A Bump In The Beltway is absolutely right when she says:

By the way, NYT letter writer, it is not my job, nor any other commentator’s, to figure out how to win this war. Those of us who counseled against it in the first place were told that we were traitors. Bush got us into this mess, it is up to him and his minions to figure out how to get us out. The fact that he’s made a mess of it is a judgment on him, not on us.

Winning the war required doing a lot of things correctly from the first, not trying to “fake it” after you have boots on the ground.

You can’t undo all of the errors that were made. If the Busheviks had listened to the professionals who actually know how to do these things, they would have planned and manned for the worse case scenario, and hoped for the best.