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A Short Report From The Front — Why Now?
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A Short Report From The Front

I’m back to dial-up and my antique laptop as the power is definitely iffy. The first major band came through yesterday at 2PM with a major thunderstorm including damage from a lightning strike about two blocks away.

Dennis will apparently come ashore in Pensacola at about 2PM this afternoon as a minimal Category 4 or maximum Category 3 hurricane with constant winds of approximately 140 MPH. This storm is much tighter than Ivan was, so the winds in Cinco Bayou my actually be lower than Ivan and because Dennis is moving faster than Ivan, they hurricane winds may only last 6 hours, instead of the 13 hours of Ivan.

US 98 which runs on Okaloosa Island [a barrier island] is just about cut again and all of the local bridges are closed.

Just another day in paradise with a major hurricane every ten months. Oh, did I mention the series of tropical waves that are coming into the Caribbean? Doesn’t look like there will be much rest until December 1st.