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RIP South Knox Bubba — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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RIP South Knox Bubba

The head of the Rocky Top Brigade, noted photographer of birds, champion of lesser known quarterbacks, and chronicler of the foibles of the “Good Old Boy” network in Knoxville, Tennessee, South Knox Bubba has shut down his site.

A bit earlier the publisher of a local weekly had gone ballistic over comments on a forum hosted by SKB and started making threats, including exposure. That story was picked up by the local newspaper and the damage was done.

Being a small business owner and liberal in an extremely “conservative area”, no doubt things reached the point were the avocation, blogging, was having an effect on the vocation, writing business software.

It may seem odd to some, and others would counsel staying for the fight, but when you have to meet a payroll and make payments, the risk becomes too great. When you are dealing with people who will harm national security to attack a perceived political opponent, you must deal with the reality. There are people and businesses who will boycott others that do not share their political views. Both sides do this and it is part of today’s fractured world.

If you have never seen his pictures of birds in flight, you have missed a rare pleasure. Bubba will be missed.