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Shame Them — Why Now?
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Shame Them

CNN has this on their front page: Pregnant Philadelphia mother of one missing.

The Philadelphia Citizens Crime Commission, with the help of a Philadelphia blogger, have launched a reward fund for information leading to Latoyia Figueroa, a 24-year-old pregnant mother of one who has been missing since July 18. The Philadelphia Citizens Crime Commission, with the help of a Philadelphia blogger, have launched a reward fund for information leading to Latoyia Figueroa, a 24-year-old pregnant mother of one who has been missing since July 18.

Richard “Cranium” of All Spin Zone, a Philly blogger is staying on the story and helping to raise a reward fund.

In addition to fund raising he has also been promoting an e-mail campaign and asking people to mention this case on their blogs. It appears he has had some success in raising the profile of this case, which is good news, but there are a lot of missing people that no one, other than their family and friends, ever hears about.