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Shelter from the Storm — Why Now?
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Shelter from the Storm

While I would have preferred that they had been released into the Gulf, I’m happy that they moved New Orleans dolphins from hotel swimming pools to a Panhandle marine park. They put them in the pools for protection during the storm, but they can’t go back to their home pool because of damage.

They have been conditioned to the marine park environment and have no wild family to teach them to survive in the open water.

A family that lost their home and business in the storm have been settled in locally by a man my Mother knows. One of their major problems is that they can’t access their money as their bank may have been destroyed.

They will get some money from the Federal disaster unemployment insurance, but it takes two weeks to arrive after you apply and I’ve heard it isn’t generous. It is available even if you are self-employed when you can’t work because of a Federally declared emergency.