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WEAR-TV is reporting that someone found Plan A in a file cabinet.

A tent city for a thousand Hurricane Katrina refugees will be going up in the next week at the Northwest Florida Fairgrounds in Fort Walton Beach.

Eglin Air Force Base will oversee the set-up.

Commanders say forty-one tractor trailers full of air-conditioned tents, showers, latrines, and portable kitchens, are enroute from Holloman Air Force Base New Mexico.

Colonel Ed Keith, Eglin 96th Air Base Wing Commander: “Bottom line is we’re trying to stop the suffering and help as many people as we can and the military is good at this. And we’ve been asked to do it and we’re leaning as far forward as we can to make it happen.”

The Fairgrounds 65-thousand square foot building will also be put to use – housing two, two-hundred-fifty bed hospitals.

We are also hosting 50 families from Keesler AFB in Biloxi who have lost their housing.

This is the same plan that was used 30 years ago for Asian refugees, only this time the tents are air conditioned.