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Post It Notes — Why Now?
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Post It Notes

Not necessarily the news:

Egypt held its first election in which more than one name was on the ballot for President. While initially skeptical, after a conversation with Karl Rove President Mubarek was convinced that it looked good and wouldn’t make a difference in the outcome.

During a super-secret, cross-your-heart, deep background briefing conducted in the “cone of silence”, a senior administration official who can’t remember his own name claimed that the fact that the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court presides over the impeachment hearing for the President, had nothing to do with the request to conduct the confirmation hearings for John Roberts during the funeral service for Justice Rehnquist.

During his survey of the devastation on the Gulf coast, Vice President Cheney will be staying at the Convention Center in New Orleans. Mr. Cheney’s decision was based on the fact that even though people were watching live television shots of the Convention Center it took the government three days to find it, making it the most “undisclosed location” in the country.

A senior aide said that the government suspected voodoo was involved, or “one of those ‘invisibility cloaks’ we’ve been hearing about.”

The delay in the Federal response to the disaster was explained today when a member of the White House staff discovered the Louisiana governor’s request for Federal assistance in the lint trap of the dryer.

A spokeman remarked, “You know how it is. Someone hands you a note while you’re on vacation, and you put it in your pocket. Next thing you know it gets thrown in the washer.”