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Brainless Twit — Why Now?
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Brainless Twit

Last night the guy who keeps claiming the Constitution contains no restraints said:

…It is now clear that a challenge on this scale requires greater federal authority and a broader role for the armed forces, the institution of our government most capable of massive logistical operations on a moment’s notice.

The authority was there, based on a declaration of emergency, all that was needed was someone to say GO!. That was his job, and he didn’t do it. His Dad did it. The Big Dog did it. But Karl forgot to tell the Shrubbery to order the military to assist.

The air-conditioned tents, “water buffalo” tankers, bridges, amphibious vehicles, field hospitals, field kitchens, dozens of aircraft types: all available, and all unused because the President didn’t issue an order.

The real restriction on the use of the military in the US is law enforcement, and that restriction doesn’t apply to the National Guard or the Coast Guard. There were more than enough law enforcement officers available, but they needed communications, vehicles, and other equipment that was under water.

If there had been food, water, portable toilets, and transportation out of the flooded area, the looting and civil disorder would never have gotten as bad as it did.