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Camille versus Katrina — Why Now?
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Camille versus Katrina

You keep hearing how terrible Katrina, what an unprecedented event it represented. Is that true? Have they checked?

If you go back to the records of hurricane Camille in 1969 you will find that it was a more powerful storm and made a more direct hit on New Orleans than Katrina. Camille didn’t flood the city, like Katrina did, because it moved at an angle, west of north, and moved over the city. That meant it was pushing the water of Lake Pontchartrain away from the city.

Katrina came in traveling due north and passed to the east of the city. After the eye was northeast of the city, its winds were pushing the water of the Lake back into the city, which caused the levees to break. The path of Katrina also caused the more massive surge on the Mississippi coast and higher winds in Mississippi than Camille, because of the track it followed.