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Our Government Is A Bunch Of Rude Louts — Why Now?
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Our Government Is A Bunch Of Rude Louts

In their report, Canadian warships leave U.S. Gulf Coast after finishing hurricane mission, the CBC notes:

On Wednesday, the coast guard ship was told not to unload all of its relief supplies when it was in Pensacola, since some of the items such as tents were no longer required.

Somehow I think that people in small towns in Mississippi and Louisiana would be prepared to argue that large tents are very much needed where they are, because they have no confidence anything else will be provided for them.

By now you’ve read that the FDA has declared that German and British military rations are “unfit for human consumption” and will be burned. As anyone who has ever eaten MREs will tell you there are no military rations fit for human consumption, but you eat them anyway because they will keep you alive. They are a damn sight better than FEMA promises.

No agency that permits the sale of Chicken McNuggets has the right to look down its nose at “creamed braunschweiger on toast” or “bangers with mashed peas”.

As my Mother used to tell me: “You eat those cookies and tell your Grandmother how much you love them! She thinks you like them, so she bakes them, and you will love them!” Society doesn’t always make sense, but it works.