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Rita Drove By — Why Now?
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Rita Drove By

She’s 500 miles south but her outer bands are dropping rain on us and generating thunderstorms. No more than an inch is expected but there is heavy surf on the coast.

Just to help us out the Shrubbery is sending the 842nd Signal Company of the Reserves to Iraq for a year. Well, Santa Rosa county [to my west] didn’t really need the 90 men and their mobile communications equipment. Fortunately those who were in Mississippi repairing telephone lines got back, or they would have been AWOL. I’m sure Bell South and Sprint don’t mind losing repair people, nor do the communities mind losing cops and firemen, right?

It would be nice if Rita would stall and spin down to a tropical storm from her current Cat 5 status, but that’s not likely to happen. The best vibes from the Panhandle go to those in the path.