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Yellow Doggerel Update: — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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Yellow Doggerel Update:

For the moment Steve, Stella and the cats are staying put in Houston. They are not in the mandatory evacuation area and the roads are clogged with the people that are.

Under the Houston plan, after you get on one of the evacuation routes you have to go where they direct you. This only makes sense if you are aware that Houston is the fourth most populous city in the US with over 2 million people and there are almost 5 million people living in and around the city. There aren’t that many major roads in the area, and they will have been converted to one way to effect the evacuation.

With more than 1.3 million people in the mandatory evacuation zone it is going to take a while to get out and there are not apt to be any motel rooms available within a couple of hundred miles of Houston.

Steve is staying at Stella’s place and doesn’t have access to his blog except for comments. He has been watching comments on his More Rita Blogging post.

His regular blog is hosted locally and is apt to be down when the power is lost, so he will have to use his YDD Annex on Blogspot if he can get on-line.

The people along the Texas coast need to be held in your thoughts and prayers. They also need your voices after the storm passes to be sure that they get the aid that wasn’t provided in Louisiana.

UPDATE:[09/22 – 0830 CDT] The main site is down, so Steve is at YDD Annex until further notice.

UPDATE:[09/22 – 1130 CDT] Steve’s host has come back on line with a back-up, but it is not the current page and Steve can’t access it. So stay with the YDD Annex.