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Scooting By The Gas Station — Why Now?
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Scooting By The Gas Station

The Vestal Vespa has seen the future and it has two wheels. In the face of gasoline at $3/gallon and climbing something that gets 70 to 100+ miles per gallon is looking like a better choice than a 7 to 10 miles per gallon SUV.

While I drove a Lambretta for a while, they are out of production, as are the Cushmans that were once the American counterpart. Today there are a range of choices from around the world: Kymco [Taiwan], Piaggio [Italy], Vespa [Italy], Honda [Japan], Yamaha [Japan], and Bajaj [India]. Except for Honda, which jumps from 80cc to over 200cc, these are in the 150cc range, which will get you up to about 60mph.