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Florida Politics — Why Now?
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Florida Politics

John Ellis has been term limited, and he needed to spend more time with the defense attorneys for various members of his family anyway, so we are having a Republican primary for governor. The top contenders are attorney general Charlie Crist and chief financial officer Tom Gallagher. Both have been considered moderates, but to get the nominations they need to change their message for “the base”, which is pretty damn base in Florida.

The St. Petersberg Times wants us to: Meet the new Tom Gallagher.

Now there’s a new Tom Gallagher making his fourth run for governor. This one wants Roe vs. Wade overturned, cheered on legislators as they tried to force the insertion of a feeding tube into Terri Schiavo, favors a constitutional ban on gay marriage and denounces “activist judges.”

I don’t expect much from politicians but it would be nice if they would at pretend to believe in the rule of law. The man will sell his few principles for votes, so we should trust him because?