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Running With A Bad Crowd — Why Now?
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Running With A Bad Crowd

Tony “Judge Bullingham” Blair, really needs to show a little more discretion in his friends. He has picked up some bad habits.

The BBC report on the Labour Party conference is not reassuring: Wolfgang highlights deeper disquiet.

Headlines about an 82-year old Jewish escapee from the Nazis being manhandled out of Labour conference for daring to yell “nonsense” at the Foreign Secretary is probably not the way Tony Blair wanted to end this rally.

But, for many regular conference visitors, this was far from a surprise.

Ever-tightening security and a distinctly intolerant attitude towards “interruptions”, as the prime minister called them, meant this was a headline waiting to happen.

Tony has been attempting to build his own version of the “Bubble”, like his best buddy, the Shrubbery.

A hint: if you don’t like “interruptions”, get out of democratic politics. Getting yelled at and an occasional pie are part of the job.