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A Stable Persian Gulf? — Why Now?
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A Stable Persian Gulf?

In response to remarks made by Prince Saud al-Faisal, foreign minister of Saudi Arabia, about ties between Iraq and Iran, Iraqi Interior Minister Bayan Jabor, an honors graduate of the John Bolton School of Diplomatic Tact, said: “This Iraq is the cradle of civilization that taught humanity reading and writing, and some Bedouin riding a camel wants to teach us. This talk is totally rejected.”

Iraq blasts Saudi Arabia for anti-Shi’ite remarks, the article on the exchange at AlertNet, doesn’t portend smooth relations between these neighboring, oil producing countries.

I’m sure that Karen Hughes and Condi Rice can fly in and help these countries see the benefits of cooperation. It’s not like the current disturbances are going to degenerate into a regional conflict with Saudi Arabia and the Iraqi Sunni at the throats of Iran and the Iraqi Shi’ia. I mean the Shrubbery would never allow anything that would stop the flow of oil from the Persian Gulf for an extended period.

I’m sure the White House has a plan, right?