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Doesn’t the Shrubbery know anyone outside his small clique? I don’t know anything about Harriet Miers, which is rather normal for Bush appointments as most of them haven’t been known to anyone outside a small circle.

Look, FEMA was no place for someone with no emergency management experience, but Mike Brown has more experience with judging than Harriet Miers. While judging horse shows is a bit different than being a Federal judge, it is closer than anything Ms. Miers has done.

I have heard that she was charged with preparing the daily briefing for the Shrubbery. If that’s true, that’s not a good sign because we can all agree that the Shrubbery is one of the least informed Presidents we ever had.

Would it cause this White House extreme pain to actually look for someone who is obviously qualified for a job?

According to the CNN poll currently up I’m with the 78% of those taking the poll who believe that Supreme Court nominees should have previous judicial experience.