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Rove In Charge — Why Now?
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Rove In Charge

If you remember that Karl is in charge of the hurricane rebuilding effort it will come as no surprise that after St. Tammany Parish President Kevin Davis complained about the slow response to the housing needs of his parish to CNN that:

FEMA had told CNN Sunday that the agency expected to have more than 1,000 housing units up and running in the area shortly, but that Davis himself had contributed to delays because he recommended to the agency that his construction company be hired to develop a property to which he has personal ties.

Davis said in his statement that he does not own a construction company, and that he owns no land other than the site of his flooded home.

Good luck to Mr. Davis on his demand for a FEMA apology.

Smear is the Pavlovian response of Karl to complaints. He can’t help himself ever since that little Catholic girl kicked his butt as a child.