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OK Corral – Part Deux — Why Now?
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OK Corral – Part Deux

If you thought that Florida had already gone around the bend on weapons laws you were wrong.

My very own state senator, Durrell Peaden, MD [R-Crestview], has introduced legislation to overcome the Communist restrictions placed on gun-toting employees by businesses.

You won’t believe this, but for some reason Disney, Inc. doesn’t want people bringing guns to work, and Durrell and the NRA just can’t stand it.

Now, the proposed law makes employee leave their weapons locked up in their cars, but business are not allowed to force employees to leave them at home.

After being sued following workplace shootings, a number of businesses around the country have enacted policies that make it grounds for dismissal for an employee to bring a firearm on to the company’s property.

I don’t guess we have any problems that are more pressing in the state.