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He Just Doesn’t Get It — Why Now?
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He Just Doesn’t Get It

I have been ignoring this but Bennett defends controversial race comments.

Whether he’s willing to admit it to himself, Bennett is a racist, more so because he doesn’t understand why people are upset. He keeps fixating on the abortion comment and misses the real point that he makes the automatic assumption that “black = criminal”.

For those who don’t have the experience in criminal justice statistics that I gained submitting reports to the New York State Police for inclusion in the FBI national statistics, minorities are over represented in the prison system because they are over represented in the lowest income group.

If you have the money there are a lot of options that are available to keep you out of prison, even if you are convicted. If you have the money, you can get out of jail by posting a bond before trial.

If you are poor, the number of options is greatly reduced and you will sit in jail prior to trial because you can’t make bail. In many jurisdictions the poorer you are, the more of a flight risk you are considered, and the higher your bail.

In Florida, if two people, one rich and the other poor, are convicted for the possession of a small quantity of drugs, the wealthy person can afford to enter a program that will keep them out of prison and erase the conviction after a year, while the poor person goes to prison, loses their right to vote, and has a felony conviction on their record.

You have to have the money for a private attorney to get the deal and to pay for the program. If you’re poor, you’re screwed.

Since Bennett refuses to recognize his racism, he should just shut up and go back to his crap tables. It is people like Bennett that almost let Charles Stuart and Susan Smith get away with murder.