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The Pretend President — Why Now?
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The Pretend President

The Shrubbery keeps playing lets pretend, which is charming among small children, but rather alarming for a President of the United States. He is constantly dressing up and strutting around stage sets at amateur productions staged by the White House production crew.

These little shows were amusing when done by the “Little Rascals” or Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland; they were a real hoot when John Belushi and Dan Ackroyd went with the same shtick; but they lose something when they are put on by the office of the President of the United States at taxpayer expense.

As Jack at The Grumpy Forester noted, his latest role is Jimmy Carter at a Habitat for Humanity job site. This is his second attempt at the “Jimmy Carter” role, the last being a pallid remake of Jimmy’s energy conservation speech.

He had tried for the role of FDR after 9-11, and had a shot at it when he shifted mid-stream to LBJ, i.e. going from a justified war to an unjustified war using fraudulent evidence. His LBJ war performance is actually his best work so far, so similar to the original that it’s occasionally eerie.

Of course he is best known for his “Tom Cruise” parody on the deck of the USS Abraham Lincoln.