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Judging Rightly — Why Now?
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Judging Rightly

In the possibly vain attempt to understand why Harriet Miers is being nominated for the Supreme Court and what it would mean to real people if she is confirmed, everyone is putting forth the information that exists.

John is wondering how Miers can say she supports civil rights for gays but believes that sodomy should be illegal.

Over at the American Street, Barbara O’Brien makes the point, that based on what they wanted in the Schiavo case, the Religious Reich is not really looking for a conservative.

Bush came on the radio and said that it was important to bring up Ms. Miers’s evangelical church membership, while the Republicans raised holy hell when Democrats suggested that John Roberts conservative Catholicism might affect his rulings on the court.

Frankly the only candidate that the Reich would have really applauded would have been Roy Moore, Alabama’s former Chief Justice of Ten Commandments infamy.

For those who weren’t paying attention during the Shiavo affair, the only judge who backed what the Reich wanted was a Clinton appointee.