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This Should Be Fun — Why Now?
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This Should Be Fun

So the Shrubbery has created a panel to propose tax simplification schemes that will “help everyone”, everyone being defined as those with trust funds in excess of a million dollars.

It would seem the system would be a lot simpler if fewer people had exemptions or exemptions that involved smaller numbers, so they have suggested lowering the exemption on mortgage interest for homeowners, and the exemption on employer supplied health care.

A small bit of advice for those who propose “supply-side economics” in 2020 [every 20 years it gets tried in hopes of a different outcome]: don’t use the boats and tides analogy. The problem is that New Orleans after Katrina rather clearly demonstrated that poor people don’t have a boat. They are already working hard to keep their heads above the water and they drown in the “tide” [inflation] created by the tax elimination for the rich.