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Why Bork Was “Borked” — Why Now?
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Why Bork Was “Borked”

It is always entertaining to notice how defective and limited is the knowledge of American history displayed by people who presume to call themselves “conservative”.

Over at archy John’s post, Bork hates Miers, makes reference to the Saturday Night Massacre, October 20, 1973, when talking about Robert Bork.

When “conservatives” talk about Bork’s failure to be confirmed as a justice of the Supreme Court, they like to portray the event as a “liberal” attack on a “conservative”. They don’t mention that Bork was a tool of the Nixon administration’s attempt to stop the investigation of Watergate.

Nominating Robert Bork to be a judge was an attempt to bury the truth of Watergate. It wasn’t going to happen, and anyone with a minimum of understanding would have known better that to have made the attempt. Bork was tested and found wanting. He might have the wisdom of Solomon, but he displayed the moral courage of Daffy Duck.