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The hurricane affected my DSL as Sprint, for reasons of efficiency no doubt, concentrates DSL traffic and puts it on the “backbone” in Naples, Florida, so I was on dial-up for most of the day, when I could get on at all.

On a related note, Mark Fiore has a new animation out on a hurricane theme.

The guys in Lakeland came through all right, but PoP and Bobby are in the dark for the time being along with millions of others.

This article on the Unisys TSA contract shows a remarkable lack of knowledge about contracting in the IT world, and why it is fiscally foolish to get rid of government IT workers and use contractors.

A contractor charging twice as much for an employee than the employee is paid is the norm, not a remarkable condition. It annoys the employees to no end knowing that the company is making 200% or more for their work, but others are willing to pay it, so that becomes the standard.

This is a reality of outsourcing and privatization.