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Notes Among the Static — Why Now?
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Notes Among the Static

I have been extremely busy lately because my Mother is in the hospital and visiting her is eating up time. It isn’t serious, but she is not a “good patient” because she realized early on that it was an oversight on the part of the medical staff that has caused her hospitalization and an extended stay.

The hospital visits have exposed me to television again. Trying to track a hurricane on the Weather Channel is an exercise in frustration and the content of the channels selected by the other woman in my Mother’s room is enough to make one sick.

The soon to be Tropical Storm Beta would appear to be a threat only to Nicaragua, but Central America certainly doesn’t need the rain.

It’s good to see that Mustang Bobby at Bark Bark Woof Woof made it through Wilma relatively unscathed and is back on line.

Based on the complaints coming from people down South, it would appear that the Florida emergency management team has been FEMA-ized.