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Alito? No! — Why Now?
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Alito? No!

Bush nominates Alito to Supreme Court – to get the Reich off his back and change the subject from the exposure of classified information to reporters by members of his staff.

We don’t need another probable member of Opus Dei on the Supreme Court. We don’t need someone who has ruled that there are few if any limits on the actions of law enforcement. We don’t need someone who has ruled that discrimination is perfectly acceptable. We don’t need someone who can’t see the right to privacy in the Constitution.

If you read Planned Parenthood v. Casey you see Justice O’Connor specifically disagree that the number of people affected is a determinate, as argued by Alito, but it is the effect of a law on any individual that is determinate. Alito doesn’t seem to believe in minority rights.

Having used Dred Scott as a code for Roe v Wade, the Shrubbery has found a modern version of Roger Taney.