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Happy Halloween — Why Now?
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Happy Halloween

Whether you celebrate Celtic New Year’s Eve [Samhain], the evening before All Saints Day [Halloween], or the posting of Martin Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses in 1517 [Reformation Day], have a happy one.

Wikipedia does its normally thorough job of covering all of the bases on the holidays that share October 31st.

It is tiresome that some groups are pushing to have the celebration banned at the schoolhouse door

…Buckling to wishes of a minority, says Eric Dietrich, a Binghamton University philosophy professor, is not necessarily what should happen in a democracy. “Halloween is a flare-up of huge social problems we’re facing,” he says. “If you show me a United States with no holiday where you can be creatively weird, I will show you a United States with no hope.”

Some people just don’t want anyone to have a good time. These “harvest festivals” aren’t fooling anyone.