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Reid Fires One Across Their Bows — Why Now?
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Reid Fires One Across Their Bows

Fed up with unfulfilled promises of an investigation, Senator Harry Reid took it to the Republicans. Reid invoked Rule XXI, putting the Senate in closed session. Reid wants the Senate to investigate how the Iraq War started.

Sen. Trent Lott, R-Mississippi, said Reid was making “some sort of stink about Scooter Libby and the CIA leak.”

A former majority leader, Lott said a closed session was appropriate for such overarching matters as impeachment and chemical weapons — the two topics that last sent the senators into such sessions.

In addition, Lott said, Reid’s move violated the Senate’s tradition of courtesy and consent. But there was nothing in Senate rules enabling Republicans to thwart Reid’s effort.

Gee, I guess that means ol’ Trent doesn’t support the Nuclear Option, and other “innovations” made by his leadership.

Sorry, Trent, but I think wars are just as important as impeachment for marital infidelity.